How to Use Prepositions*
PrePosition of Time
PrePosition of Place

OF Time
We use:
AT for a precise time
IN for Months, Years, Centuries
& Long Periods
ON Days & Dates
1⃣ AT
For a Precise Time
*At*3 o'clock
*At*10 am
At Noon
At DinnerTime
At BedTime
At SunRise
At SunSet
At the Moment on
New Year's Eve...
🔸I have a meeting at 9am.
🔹The Shop closes at Midnight.
🔸He went home at Lunchtime...
2⃣ IN
For Months, Years, Centuries & Long Periods
In May on Sunday
In Summer
In the Summer
In 1990
In the1990s
In the Bext Century
In the Ice Age
In the Past/Future...
🔸In England, it often snows in December.
🔹Do you think we will go to Jupiter in the future?
🔸There should be a lot of progress in the Next Century...
3⃣ ON
Days & Dates
On 25 Dec.2010
On Christmas Day
On Independence Day
On My Birthday
On Tuesdays
On 6 March...
🔹Do you work on Mondays?
🔸Her Birthday is on 20 November.
🔹Where will you be on New Year's Day?
When we say Last, Next, Every, this we do not use AT, IN, ON.
🔸I went to London last June.
(Not👉🏻in last June)
🔹He's coming back next Tuesday.
(Not👉🏻on next Tuesday)
🔸I go home every Easter.
(Not👉🏻at every Easter)
🔹We'll call you this evening.
(not👉🏻in this evening)
OF Place
AT - IN - ON
1⃣ AT a Point
AT👈🏻tells us that the following Noun is located at a Specific Point oR Location.
It shows an exact Position.
At The Empire State Building
At the Corner
At the Bus Stop.
At the door.
At the Top of Page.
At the End of the Road
At the Entrance.
At the Cross Roads.
At the Front desk
At a Conference.
At a Party
🔸She's waiting at the entrance.
🔹He's sitting on his Chair at his Desk.
🔸I work at a Bank
🔹There is a dog at the Top of the Steps.
🔸There is a woman at the Bottom of the Steps.
🔹The postman is at the door.
🔸There is a Supermarket at the End of the Street.
2⃣ IN
🅰 IN an Enclosed Space
IN👈🏻tells us the Noun is in an EnClosed Space (Surround oR Closed off on all Sides).
Basically, when Something is inside Something.
In a Box.
In a Room.
In a Country.
In a Traffic jam
In Time Square
In a Building
In a Car
in a Taxi
In a Boat
In a Helicopter
In a Lift (Elevator)
In the Living-Room
In the Article
🅱 IN Countries,
Cities, Neighborhood
In England
In London
In Manhattan
In Chinatown
🔹The Dog is in the Garden.
🔸I have an Apple in my bag.
🔹David’s Car is in the Car Park.
🔸Let’s go for a Walk in the Forest.
🔹I live in London.
3⃣ ON
🅰 ON a Surface
ON👈🏻tells us that the following Noun is Located on a Surface. Use On when One thing is attatched to oR touching Somthing.
On the Table.
On the Floor.
On the Chair.
On a Wall
On the Roof
On the Menu
On the Page
On the Door
On the Shelf
🔸What’s that on the Ceiling?
🔹There’s a bag on the Floor.
🔸My Books are on the Table.
🅱 ON Means
of Transport:
On a Bus
On a Train
On a Plane
On a Ship
On a Bicyc/Bike
On a Horse
PrePosition of Time
PrePosition of Place

OF Time
We use:
AT for a precise time
IN for Months, Years, Centuries
& Long Periods
ON Days & Dates
1⃣ AT
For a Precise Time
*At*3 o'clock
*At*10 am
At Noon
At DinnerTime
At BedTime
At SunRise
At SunSet
At the Moment on
New Year's Eve...
🔸I have a meeting at 9am.
🔹The Shop closes at Midnight.
🔸He went home at Lunchtime...
2⃣ IN
For Months, Years, Centuries & Long Periods
In May on Sunday
In Summer
In the Summer
In 1990
In the1990s
In the Bext Century
In the Ice Age
In the Past/Future...
🔸In England, it often snows in December.
🔹Do you think we will go to Jupiter in the future?
🔸There should be a lot of progress in the Next Century...
3⃣ ON
Days & Dates
On 25 Dec.2010
On Christmas Day
On Independence Day
On My Birthday
On Tuesdays
On 6 March...
🔹Do you work on Mondays?
🔸Her Birthday is on 20 November.
🔹Where will you be on New Year's Day?
When we say Last, Next, Every, this we do not use AT, IN, ON.
🔸I went to London last June.
(Not👉🏻in last June)
🔹He's coming back next Tuesday.
(Not👉🏻on next Tuesday)
🔸I go home every Easter.
(Not👉🏻at every Easter)
🔹We'll call you this evening.
(not👉🏻in this evening)
OF Place
AT - IN - ON
1⃣ AT a Point
AT👈🏻tells us that the following Noun is located at a Specific Point oR Location.
It shows an exact Position.
At The Empire State Building
At the Corner
At the Bus Stop.
At the door.
At the Top of Page.
At the End of the Road
At the Entrance.
At the Cross Roads.
At the Front desk
At a Conference.
At a Party
🔸She's waiting at the entrance.
🔹He's sitting on his Chair at his Desk.
🔸I work at a Bank
🔹There is a dog at the Top of the Steps.
🔸There is a woman at the Bottom of the Steps.
🔹The postman is at the door.
🔸There is a Supermarket at the End of the Street.
2⃣ IN
🅰 IN an Enclosed Space
IN👈🏻tells us the Noun is in an EnClosed Space (Surround oR Closed off on all Sides).
Basically, when Something is inside Something.
In a Box.
In a Room.
In a Country.
In a Traffic jam
In Time Square
In a Building
In a Car
in a Taxi
In a Boat
In a Helicopter
In a Lift (Elevator)
In the Living-Room
In the Article
🅱 IN Countries,
Cities, Neighborhood
In England
In London
In Manhattan
In Chinatown
🔹The Dog is in the Garden.
🔸I have an Apple in my bag.
🔹David’s Car is in the Car Park.
🔸Let’s go for a Walk in the Forest.
🔹I live in London.
3⃣ ON
🅰 ON a Surface
ON👈🏻tells us that the following Noun is Located on a Surface. Use On when One thing is attatched to oR touching Somthing.
On the Table.
On the Floor.
On the Chair.
On a Wall
On the Roof
On the Menu
On the Page
On the Door
On the Shelf
🔸What’s that on the Ceiling?
🔹There’s a bag on the Floor.
🔸My Books are on the Table.
🅱 ON Means
of Transport:
On a Bus
On a Train
On a Plane
On a Ship
On a Bicyc/Bike
On a Horse