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Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Captain of Titanic -A True Leader ( 11 improvement )

The poem, “The Wreck of the Titanic” written by Benjamin Peck Keith is about the world’s greatest tragedies at sea. This poem tells us how human beings can rise to heights of heroism and values at the time of disaster.The stanzas describe the attitude of the Captain Smith, the Commander of the ship and his crew. HE DIED LIKE A TRUE LEADER .He did not try to save his life when the ship started sinking.He exhorted the crew to be patriotic. He helped the women and children to get into the life boats and saved their lives.The  capain and the crew faced death bravely.The ship band was playing the song 'Nearer to thee My God" as they were going down with the ship.   This shows the courageous attitude of the Captain and the crew.It tells us how we should act at the time of disaster. The Captain is a symbol of  the virtues of life such as courage, humanity, dedication to duty and patriotism.His life can be compared to that of Captian Mullah ,the captain of INS QUKRY,THE BATTELESHIP OF INDIA which was torpedoed in the war of 1971.(updated 3/09/2019 )

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